GESDA Solutions
Pipeline of Solution ideas

The Open Quantum Institute

Global Curriculum for Science and Diplomacy

The NeuroTech Compass

The Decarbonization Accelerator
1. From where do we start?
The science diplomacy work of GESDA starts by understanding what researchers around the world anticipate will be emerging in 5, 10 or 25 years. This is captured in GESDA’s Science Breakthrough Radar®. GESDA then brings together leaders from science and diplomacy to reflect and act, from their own perspectives, about the impacts of these emerging technologies on people, society and the planet.
2. How do we get there?
GESDA feels that designing this future together between science and diplomacy from the start, and including all actors of impact and citizens’ communities as relevant, is important to make sure the future solutions we are designing are anchored in everyone’s realities and thus implementable.

The challenge of this Think Tank – Do Tank approach is to ensure we have the right mix of expertise for every topic at every step.
Creating a common understanding and providing the right environment for them to act is key to allowing the GESDA communities to shape with us the future we would like.
That is why GESDA developed its own methodology, the Anticipatory Situation Room

In the Acceleration phase, Solution ideas are identified and developed by Task Forces led by GESDA’s Academic and Diplomacy fora members, bringing in all stakeholders as appropriate at the different phases of their elaboration. The Task Forces are tasked to shape and evaluate the value and feasibility of these ideas. In the Translation phase, GESDA incubates these ideas, building dedicated Coalitions to elaborate the appropriate models and test the proposition, ultimately delivering blueprints or full-fledged propositions for new and innovative science and diplomacy tools.
3. Where are we today?
The first GESDA Science & Diplomacy Plenary held in December 2020 with the GESDA fora discussed a first set of Scientific Anticipatory Briefs highlighting the need for a science diplomacy approach.
A pipeline of eight Solution ideas were proposed at the beginning of 2021 and are currently progressing in the Anticipatory Situation Room.
Due to their specific nature and the different science diplomacy challenges brought up during their shaping and evaluation, the Solutions ideas are at different stages of development maturity.

More details on other ideas

Navigate the 21st Century with Digital Empowerment on all Levels and Scales

Co-development, access & use of advanced AI

Science: Norms and Principles