Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator

President, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Born on April 14, 1968 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Diploma in Geology at the University of Karlsruhe (1992).

PhD in Geosciences at the University of Kiel (1995).

Postdoctoral Research Associate at GEOMAR, Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel, Germany (1995-1996). Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Oceanography at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada (1996-1997).

Postdoctoral Guest Investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, USA (1997-1998).

Research Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, USA (1997-1998), ‘Oberassistent’ at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2000-2002).

Habilitation in Earth Sciences at the ETH Zurich (2002).

Professor at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam and the University of Potsdam, Germany (2003-2007).

Ordinary Professor for ‘Climate Geology’ at the ETH Zurich (2007-2015).

Director of the ‘Climate Geochemistry’ Department and Scientific Member at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry in Mainz since 2015.

President of the National Academy of Science Leopoldina since 2020.

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