Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator

Anticipation will once again be at the heart of our third Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipation Summit, to be held from October 11 to 13.

In 2023, the geopolitical stakes of science and diplomacy remain top of mind for many of us. With a more challenging environment for collaboration, there is an even greater need to create opportunities for joint action towards a common multilateral agenda.

Under GESDA’s vision of “Using the Future to Build the Present,” the third GESDA Summit will cultivate dialogue on critical future opportunities and risks, complementing the third GESDA Science Breakthrough Radar®, which will be released at the event.

The event will include:

  • Anticipatory briefings from the 2023 edition of the GESDA Science Breakthrough Radar®. 
    Sessions include deep dives on Neuro-Augmentation and the Future of Peace and War, as well as topics such as ‘Living Beyond 100’, ‘The Next Fungal Pandemic’, and ‘Secrets of the Deep Sea’.
  • Interactive discussions with decision-makers about the potential impact of scientific and technological breakthroughs for the future of people, society and our planet. 
    Sessions include: ‘Towards a New Planetary Compact’, ‘Defining the Red Line in Research’, and ‘Trust and Transparency in Artificial Intelligence’.
  • Presentation of GESDA’s most mature Solution Ideas and Initiatives and how you can get involved. 
    Sessions include: ‘Quantum Solutions for All’, and ‘Science Diplomacy at Scale’.
  • Political assessment from leaders around the globe about their contribution to Anticipatory Science and Diplomacy.


To join the event:

  • Register for virtual participation and get access to the 20+ sessions 
  • Follow our GESDA account on X for live coverage of the event 
  • Participate in the digital campaign by sharing your message on social media accompanied by #GESDASummit