Feb 12, 2021 | Best Reads
> The 2020-2030 Decade of Healthy Ageing: a new UN-wide initiative // 14.12.2020, WHO “This in initiative spells out a multi-stakeholder, whole-of-society approach across the world to improve the lives of older people in a holistic and comprehensive manner”, says...
Oct 30, 2020 | Best Reads
> “Dieu et la Silicon Valley”, Eric Salobir (Buchet-Chastel/Libella, 2020)Immortality, AI, robotics seen through the prism of spirituality and morality by a Dominican geek familiar with both the Vatican and the Bay Area. > “Charting Pathways...
Sep 12, 2020 | Best Reads
> World Business Council on Sustainable Development releases insights into innovations that could transform the next decade // 26.08.2020, WBCSD Issue Brief > Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th UN General Assembly (COMMISSION...
Août 29, 2020 | Best Reads
> “The Precipice”, Toy Ord (2020)Exploring the cutting-edge science behind existential risk and the future of humanity. > “More from less”, Andrew McAfee (2019)The surprising story of how we learned to prosper with fewer ressources...