Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator

How to design AI for the greater good

How to design AI for the greater good

It is widely recognized that the economic and political impacts of machine learning techniques will be profound. Three world leading experts from civil society, industry and international governance gathered by GESDA during the Applied Machine Learning Days EPFL 2021...
‘Laws alone are no match for the power of AI’

‘Laws alone are no match for the power of AI’

GESDA is thrilled to co-organize the Anticipating the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on people and on society track on Monday 10 May in the framework of the 2021 Applied Machine Learning Days held online. Tickets are already available here. Speakers...
Science diplomacy: a slogan or a concrete asset for society?

Science diplomacy: a slogan or a concrete asset for society?

Our Executive Director of the Diplomacy Forum Daria Robinson is featured in today’s Geneva Solutions newsletter, reflecting on how science and diplomacy are closely intertwined and why GESDA’s work makes sense, now more than ever. Read her opinion column:...